
Wheat:  Wheat corresponds to the attribute of Kindness. The world is built on kindness.[1]  The ability to express an abundance of love towards another.  Giving to another person is the cornerstone of human relations.  Wheat reflects kindness in that it, more than any other food, expands, sustains and nourishes the body.

Barley:  Barley corresponds to the attribute of Strength.  Strength to limit and restrain boundless love.  The discipline to set boundaries with another for the desired purpose.  Most barley has a tough, inedible outer hull around the barley kernel. This covering must be removed before the barley can be eaten.

Grapes:  Grapes correspond to the attribute of Beauty.  Beauty is revealed when there is the perfect balance between passion and control.  The harmony that results when giving and restraining with another is symmetrically shared.  Grapes include both nourishing and eliminating qualities including aiding digestion, nourishing the blood, beautifying the skin, and removing toxins.

Figs:  Figs correspond to the attribute of Endurance.  The energy and ability to prevail, stand up against, and remain steadfast against obstacles and hardship.  To conquer and overcome adversity.  Reflecting their quality of longevity, fig trees can grow to 100 years old and 100 feet tall.  The fig tree also has a long ripening period, spanning more than three months.

Pomegranates:  Pomegranates correspond to the attribute of Splendor.  The inner fortitude to acknowledge virtue and nobility in others is the glow of Splendor.  A majestic radiance that results from the ability to be humble and show gratitude.  Pomegranates are uniquely adorned with crowns, magnifying their majestic quality.

Olives:  Olives correspond to the attribute of Foundation.  The foundation of life is reflected in the purity and devotion of husband and wife.  The channel that actualizes the potential good of all previous attributes and emits the proper measure of life force. The ability to completely connect with another and bring light into the world.  The Righteous are the foundation of the world.[2]  The olive tree will not accept a graft from another tree; all shoots are its own. Olive oil will not mix with other liquids.

Dates (Honey):  Dates correspond to the attribute Kingship.  The ability to provide space for actualizing the latent potential of all goodness.  The capacity to receive the life force of another and perfectly reflect that unity into the world.  Kingship is reflected in the unity of male and female within the female that bears fruit.  Only one plant, the date palm, was known to have male and female trees.  To produce dates, the female date palm is pollinated with flowers from the male palm.[3]

[1] Psalms 89:3
[2] Proverbs 10:25
[3] Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 56a